I am proud to represent Alan Brown in his quest for justice against the Georgia DOT for its failure to build and maintain a safe road. The Atlanta Journal and Constitution ran an article yesterday on the front page of the Metro Section about Joshua’s Law, which Alan Brown, Josh Brown’s father, created after the death of his son, Josh, in a single vehicle collision that resulted in Josh’s death. Although the State of Georgia has collected $33 Million in fees thanks to Joshua’s Law, the State of Georgia has returned only $9 Million of that money to fund Joshua’s Law, which requires driver’s education classes in Georgia high schools. How can this be, you ask? Isn’t the State of Georgia just making money on the back of Georgia taxpayers when those funds should be going to driver’s education instead of the State’s general operating account? Makes sense…but that’s not the way it works in Georgia, oddly enough. Just like the Georgia Indigent Defense Program, which has its own funding mechanism, it is up to the State to give that money to the program it was intended to fund. In the case of Joshua’s Law, trying to get back all of the $33 Million raised by Joshua’s Law into the funding of Joshua’s Law is a classic David versus Goliath. The good news is that in the Valley of Elah, David won, with only five smooth stones. Watch out, Goliath!