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March-300x169Rideshare apps like Uber have changed the way people get around. But what happens when the ride doesn’t go as planned? Accidents happen, and when they do, Uber and its insurance company are not looking out for you. They’re protecting their bottom line. You, the passenger, are left injured, confused, and caught in a claims process designed to wear you down.

Here’s what you need to know when an Uber ride turns into a nightmare.

Who Pays for Your Injuries?

February-300x169The public conversation around how doctors address (or fail to address) pain has reached a boiling point. Social media has been ablaze with stories of women enduring severe discomfort during medical procedures—only to have their pain dismissed. One example causing widespread outrage is the longstanding lack of pain management during IUD insertions. After years of complaints, the CDC finally updated its guidelines, acknowledging what patients had been saying all along: the procedure can be excruciating, and pain relief isn’t optional. But this cultural reckoning raises a bigger question—when does a doctor’s failure to address pain cross the line into malpractice?

Let’s be clear: not all pain caused by a medical procedure constitutes malpractice. But when a doctor’s actions—or inaction—fall below the standard of care, they must be held accountable.

Pain Alone Isn’t Enough to Prove Malpractice

January-2-300x169Truck accidents change lives in an instant. The sheer size and weight of these vehicles mean crashes often result in devastating injuries. In the aftermath, victims face pain, mounting bills, and uncertainty about what comes next. One of the most important steps to rebuilding is identifying who’s responsible to get proper compensation. Because in truck accidents, it’s rarely just one person or one cause.

For instance, a driver’s fatigue may combine with a mechanical failure caused by poor maintenance. In these cases, liability can extend to multiple entities. Federal and state regulations provide clear safety standards for drivers, trucking companies, and associated entities.

The Truck Driver

Blog-Images-Robin-Frazer-Clark-15-300x169The holidays bring joy, laughter, and togetherness—but the festive season also sees a sharp rise in traffic accidents and drunk driving incidents. Holiday lights shouldn’t be accompanied by sirens. Whether you’re headed to a family gathering, a holiday party, or a winter getaway, driving responsibly isn’t just about protecting yourself; it’s about safeguarding everyone on the road. Here’s what you need to keep in mind as you get behind the wheel this season.

Why Holiday Roads Are Risky

The numbers don’t lie: traffic accidents spike during the holidays. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the end-of-year holiday period sees thousands of crashes, many of them caused by impaired or distracted drivers.

Blog-Images-Robin-Frazer-Clark-13-300x169When you’re already dealing with physical pain, emotional stress, and financial strain, the thought of going through a lawsuit seems like just another burden. Knowing what lies ahead puts you back in control. Every personal injury case is unique, but the legal process follows a fairly predictable path. If you know what to expect, you can focus on healing while your attorney fights for your right to compensation.

Laying the Groundwork

The first step in a personal injury lawsuit is the initial consultation with your attorney. This is where the foundation of your case is built. In this meeting, your attorney will ask you about the details of your accident, the extent of your injuries, and any medical treatment you’ve received. They’ll review any documentation you have, such as medical records or police reports, to get a clearer picture of your situation.

Motorcycle riders know the feeling of freedom that comes with the open road. No walls or windows—just you, your bike, and the world around you. But that same freedom comes with a price. With no metal cage to shield you, every ride is riskier than hopping into a car. Motorcyclists face dangers that other drivers don’t even think about. Despite these risks, they still deserve the same rights as other drivers and there are laws that protect them if something goes wrong.

The Unique Risks of Motorcycle Accidents in Georgia

Georgia’s roads offer plenty of hazards for motorcyclists. From distracted drivers to treacherous pavement, the odds are not always in a rider’s favor.

Blog-Images-Robin-Frazer-Clark-10-300x169When you think of Disney, images of magical experiences and joyful family moments likely come to mind. What you probably don’t associate with Disney is a legal battle over whether signing up for a streaming service could waive your right to sue them in court. But that’s exactly the issue at the center of a recent wrongful death lawsuit involving the entertainment giant. The case raises eyebrows and has serious implications for personal injury law and the enforceability of arbitration agreements.

Linking a Streaming Service to a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

The lawsuit in question involves Jeffrey Piccolo, who tragically lost his wife, Kanokporn Tangsuan, after she suffered a fatal allergic reaction while dining at a Disney-affiliated restaurant. Piccolo decided to take legal action against Disney, only to be met with an argument that left many scratching their heads. Disney claimed that because Piccolo had signed up for a Disney+ account, he had agreed to resolve all disputes—including those entirely unrelated to streaming—through arbitration. In simpler terms, Disney argued that by clicking “I agree” on their streaming service’s terms and conditions, Piccolo had forfeited his right to take them to court over his wife’s death.

Blog-Images-Robin-Frazer-Clark-7-300x169Everyone on social media knows that a picture of their lunch can go viral if captioned cleverly enough. However, think twice about what you post if you’re in the middle of a personal injury lawsuit. Sure, your followers might love to see you smiling at a party or hitting the trails on a sunny afternoon, but those innocent posts could be exhibit A in court, undermining your claims of injury. Here’s the scoop on how your social media habits could turn your case upside down and what you can do to keep your digital footprint from tripping you up.

The Evidence You Didn’t Mean to Provide

Let’s cut to the chase: your social media posts can end up front and center in a courtroom. Imagine claiming severe injuries in court while your recent Facebook album says “Weekend Warrior” filled with photos of you mountain biking. Not a great look, right? Insurance companies and defense lawyers love digging through social media to find just such contradictions. That video of you at a dance party could quite literally dance away with your credibility and your compensation.

Blog-Images-Robin-Frazer-Clark-2-300x169Accidents can turn your life upside down in an instant. The pain, the disruption, and the uncertainty that follows are hard enough to handle without having to worry about legal battles. However, ensuring you get the justice and compensation you deserve starts with documenting your injuries properly. It’s not just about the money–more often than not, most survivors wish the ordeal never happened—it’s about holding those responsible accountable and making sure you get the support you need.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

First things first, see a doctor immediately after the accident. This is not just for your health; it’s for your legal protection. Even if you think your injuries are minor, medical professionals can identify issues that might not be immediately obvious. And every visit creates an official record of your injuries. Do not skip follow-up appointments. Each visit builds a continuous care history, critical for proving the extent and progression of your injuries.

I was very happy to hear that President Biden has decided to right historical wrongs by pardoning any U.S. veterans who were convicted for being gay while serving in our U.S. Armed Forces.  It is well past time for our country to acknowledge this wrong and the damage it did to so many gay veterans. As President Biden stated: “Today, I am righting an historic wrong by using my clemency authority to pardon many former service members who were convicted simply for being themselves,” Biden said in a statement. “We have a sacred obligation to all of our service members –- including our brave LGBTQI+ service members: to properly prepare and equip them when they are sent into harm’s way, and to care for them and their families when they return home. Today we are making progress in that pursuit.”  About time, is all I can say.

I find this very interesting given my experience in securing a Presidential Pardon for a client who had been convicted of having a homosexual relationship while he was serving as an Officer in the U.S. Army. He served a year and a half in Ft. Leavenworth Prison for being gay. I worked for this client for 6 years pro bono, partly because my innate sense of Justice drove me to do so, partly because I have been fighting for equality for gay people for the last 40 years or so, and partly because I could not let this injustice to this client go on and be able to look my two children in the eyes. Both of my kids, who were in college at the time, could not believe that our Government, with its vasts resources, would use those resources to prosecute and convict a U.S. Veteran of simply being who he was. It was simply unfathomable to them and to me. But it really happened. So I set out on a 6 year journey and struggle to obtain a Presidential Pardon for him. Since being gay in the U.S. Army was a Federal offense, only a Presidential Pardon would do. He had been  convicted on July 17, 1989, which means he endured 28 years of having the conviction and a dishonorable discharge on his record. This resulted in his being unable to obtain a home mortgage, being limited in potential jobs he would be hired for, being unable to vote, just as some examples of the impact on his life this had.

I will never forget that telephone call on January 17, 2017 from the Department of Justice Pardon Attorney, informing me that President Obama would be granting my client a pardon. What an unbelievable moment! Probably my greatest achievement as a lawyer. And then to call my client and hear his elation on the phone was an incredible moment.

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