Here is my last weekly update of the 2013 Georgia General Assembly Session for the State Bar of Georgia, which was extremely successful for the State Bar with the passage of the Juvenile Justice Reform bill and the passage of an amendment making legal malpractice claims nonassignable to third parties. I am very proud of the Bar’s Legislative efforts this year, our superb lobbying team, and our new grassroots program. Thank you, also, to all the legislators who gave of their time to represent the citizens of Georgia so selflessly. We appreciate your sacrifice.
Thursday, March 28, marked the last day of the 2013 legislative session, one of the most successful on record for the State Bar of Georgia. This session saw the passage of several major initiatives of the State Bar, highlighted by a comprehensive rewrite of the Juvenile Code.
The passage of Juvenile Justice Code was a major success for the State Bar and most importantly for Georgia’s justice system and for the citizens of our great state. This new approach, focusing away from the old system of youth detention, puts an increased focus on community based programs and counseling with the ultimate goal of returning these troubled youths to our neighborhoods as productive members of society. A major initiate of Gov. Nathan Deal’s Special Council on Criminal Justice Reform, passage of the Juvenile Code was truly a bipartisan effort from the outset and stands to help improve our state for years to come.