Articles Posted in Georgia Trial Lawyers Association

GTLA Welcomes New President, Chris Clark of Macon, Georgia
GTLA wishes to thank out-going President Fred Orr for his wisdom and vision over the past year. With him at the helm, many things have been accomplished (including this new website). With Fred as the Immediate Past President, GTLA eagerly welcomes Chris Clark to his new role. Chris’ intelligence, leadership style and passion for the Civil Justice System will only serve to make this great organization stronger.

At the President’s Gala on Friday night, 250 members of GTLA watched as Fred Orr handed the reins over to Chris Clark– both of whom received a standing ovation. Congressman Bruce Braley of Iowa, a trial lawyer, a champion for justice in Washington DC and a Past President of his state’s TLA entertained and enlightened the crowd with his tales of courage in politics as the keynote speaker. The evening ended with incredible comaraderie found only at GTLA events.

It seems that in New Jersey, physicians are forcing their patients to give up their rights to sue the doctor in the event of malpractice before the doctor will even agree to see the patient. To read the full article, click here.

Let’s hope this doesn’t make its way to Georgia…otherwise, hundreds of Georgia citizens will be involuntarily forced to give up their constitutional rights, under the Georgia Constitution, to hold a doctor accountable for that doctor’s negligence or carelessness. Unfortunately, noneconomic damages in Georgia are already capped at $350,000.00, a drop in the bucket if you are talking about someone’s life. The Georgia General Assembly decided that was the value of the life of a Georgia citizen, their constituents, when it passed SB3 in 2005. My guess is that if pressed on the issue, no Georgia Legislator would dare agree that the value of the life of one of his sons or daughters amounts only to a mere $350,000.00. But that’s what the Georgia Legislature has told Georgia citizens their lives are worth. The largest medical malpractice insurer in Georgia, MAG (Medical Association of Georgia) Mutual, promised to lower their malpractice insurance premiums in exchange for SB3 and a cap on damages, but MAG hasn’t lowered premiums yet, two years after the passage of SB3, and I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for MAG to do so anytime soon.

And let’s think about this…what kind of healthcare do you think you’re going to get if the doctor knows he won’t have to responsible for his mistakes? 648495_my_doctor_2.jpg

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