Our team knows that nobody is more frustrated than personal injury victims and their families. Justice delayed, as it is often said, is justice denied. When you choose Attorney Robin Clark and the team to take your personal injury case to trial, we will fight for you until the end.
Zoom Mediations—a Worthy Alternative?
Robin Frazer Clark is a trial lawyer for a reason. Time and time again, jury trials have proven to be the best way for many victims to get justice. Our team is proud to provide comprehensive legal representation in the Atlanta area.
Notwithstanding our firm’s underlying philosophy, we are also prepared to take your personal injury case to mediation over Zoom. Delaying a jury trial simply may not be an option for you and your family. Many personal injury cases that go to trial end up settling before the jury renders a verdict. Our firm will guide you toward whichever method we truly believe will result in the best outcome. If that method is a mediation session or sessions over Zoom, we will go full speed ahead with you.
Zoom trials, on the other hand? We won’t stand for them.
Trials Should Be In-Person, Not Virtual
We care about our clients too much to let them settle for virtual trials. Jury selection—known in the legal profession as voir dire—is too important to conduct with 36 strangers participating in one Zoom session. Voir dire is the process of asking questions of potential jurors, evaluating their integrity, honesty, and impartiality, and, generally, selecting the best jury to render a verdict in your trial. It is simply too hard to get a good read on potential jurors through a computer screen.
Our team does not, by any means, intend to diminish the devastating impact of COVID-19 on the people of Georgia. We take reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of our clients, but we will not let our clients’ cases suffer. If your trial gets delayed, we will not abandon you. We will fight as hard as we can to get your trial scheduled.
As frustrating as this pandemic has been for our team, we can’t imagine what you and your family have been through. No matter what the next few weeks or months bring, we’ll stick by your side and aggressively advocate for your interests. Call us today at (404) 873-3700 to schedule your free consultation.