
Personal Injury Litigation is Not a Game

Like you, I am fed up with the constant lawyer advertising on TV. It has gotten completely out of hand. The worst TV ads for lawyers are the ones that portray personal injury litigation as a “game.” One such ad even has a person who is presumably someone who has been injured and in need of a plaintiff’s personal injury lawyer playing a carnival rubber ducky game against the crooked carnival guy who is presumably the insurance carrier.  It depicts having a personal injury claim is like picking the right rubber ducky at the carnival. It is so wrong, so insulting and so demeaning. As is another Lawyer TV Advertiser who depicts the value of a personal injury game like asking for more sprinkles on ice cream, and simply by demand “more, more, more” and hiring this TV advertiser, you’ll get “more” in a personal injury settlement. So offensive and so outrageously wrong and naive. As a personal injury trial lawyer who has devoted my life to the Rule of Law and to obtaining Justice for loved ones who have been injured or killed, as a Past President of the State Bar of Georgia and as a Past President of the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association, I’m sick of it.

Personal injury litigation is NOT A GAME!

And trials are not rigged.

What’s perhaps even more unbelievable is the fact that many of these TV Lawyer Advertisers are not even members of the State Bar of Georgia, which means they can NOT legally practice law in the State of Georgia. Our ethics laws requires them to put this in their ads. It is usually at the very end of a TV commercial in such a small print there is no way anyone could ever read it. And that’s the point. They don’t want you to actually read it! Because they have to disclose the fact that they are not members of the State Bar of Georgia. One Lawyer Advertiser that previously had their law firm name blazoned on the side of MARTA buses (which recently ended when MARTA ceremoniously dumped lawyer advertisers) that doesn’t have a single Georgia lawyer in their office. The two lawyers who had their names on the MARTA buses are not licensed in Georgia, and none of their “associates” are, either. One way you, as a consumer, can verify whether a lawyer actually is a member of the State Bar of Georgia is to go to, the State Bar of Georgia’s official website, and, on the very first page, enter the person you want to check in the Lawyer Search box and see what you find. Here is what mine looks like:


You can tell that I was admitted to the Georgia State Bar in 1988 and so have practiced law in Georgia for 37 years. You can see that I graduated from Emory University School of Law and am a Member in Good Standing with no discipline. You can get my email address there:

Now put in a TV Advertiser’s name in and see what you get. You’ll probably get this result:

No results found

Before you hire a lawyer for your case, which will hopefully be the only personal injury case you’ll ever have in your life, search the lawyer on the State Bar website. Then ask that lawyer how many jury trials have they tried start to finish as first chair. Find out if they have ever even tried ONE jury trial to verdict in the State of Georgia. I have tried over 75 jury trials and have appeared in the Georgia Appellate Court 46 times in those 37 years.

Representing the family members of a loved one who has been killed or seriously injured due to the negligence of someone else is my highest honor and calling. I have devoted my life to it. It also is the most demanding area of law where you must know complex legal issues and, at the same time, be able to relate as a human being to jurors, who are ordinary, everyday citizens. It is not a game. And to imply it is, is not only insulting to me as a Georgia Trial Lawyer, it is insulting to our judges, to our courts, to our jurors and to everyone involved with insuring Justice is obtained.  It is beneath the dignity of our Georgia Civil Justice System.

Come to my office to see me. You will find no rubber duckies, no sprinkles on ice cream, no shenanigans, no insulting behavior, no fooling around. What you will find is a dedicated trial lawyer who thinks of her clients as if they were my family members and who will roll up her sleeves and work on your case as if it were my own family member who had been killed or seriously injured. No games at Robin Frazer Clark, P.C. I am a serious trial lawyer.

And think about this: if TV Lawyer Advertisers think personal injury litigation is just “a game,” how seriously do you think they are going to take your case?

Robin Frazer Clark is a trial lawyer who pursues justice for those who have personal injury claims as a result of being injured in motor vehicle wrecks, trucking wrecks, defective products, defective maintenance of roads, premises safety, medical malpractice and other incidents caused by the negligence of others.  Ms. Clark is the 50th President of the State Bar of Georgia, a Past President of Georgia Trial Lawyers Association, a Past President of the Lawyers Club of Atlanta and has practiced law in Georgia for 36 years. She is a member of the International Society of Barristers and of the American Board of Trial Advocates. She is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers. Mrs. Clark is listed as one of the Top 50 Women Trial Lawyers in Georgia and the Top 25 National Women Trial Lawyers and is a Georgia Super Lawyer. Ms. Clark is the co-host of the podcast “See You In Court,” sponsored by the Georgia Civil Justice Foundation.  Ms. Clark has tried over 75 jury trials and argued in Georgia Appellate Courts over 45 times.

Robin Frazer Clark ~ Dedicated to the Constitution’s Promise of Justice for All.



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