
Atlanta Injury Lawyer Blog


Justice Harris P. Hines: Honoring a Legal Giant and a Gentleman

I recently had the honor of attending the dedication of the portrait of Justice Harris P. Hines and the portrait’s official installation at the Nathan Deal Judicial Center in the Georgia Supreme Court Courtroom. Justice Hines and I were good friends, and his beautiful wife, Helen Hines, remains my good…


Calling 911? Not So Fast!

Should a caller EVER be placed on hold when calling 911? Common sense tells us of course not, right?  By the very nature of the call, that you are calling 911, you have an emergency that needs to be addressed, well, emergently.  Unfortunately, many 911 calls in Metro Atlanta are…


Compensatory Versus Punitive Damages in Personal Injury Claims

Most personal injury cases result in compensatory damages being paid to the injured party, but these damages aren’t the only type assigned to those who cause injury through negligence. In some cases, further punishment may be deemed necessary. In these cases, punitive damages may also be applied.  What’s the Difference…


Snapchat Case Lives to Fight Another Day

You may recall that I wrote a blog about a case that occurred in here in Georgia in which a husband and wife sued Snapchat (now known as Snap, Inc.) for negligent design of their “app” because the app promoted using it while a driver was driving at a high…


Women: Consider Switching to Women Doctors

My eye caught an interesting recent study that are 32% more likely to die when operated on by a male surgeon. This really shocked me. If this is true, what could possibly explain this? This study was conducted in the United Kingdom, but recently published in the Journal of American…


Do Not Get Out of Your Car on a Highway!

I noticed this morning with sadness that a young woman was killed on I-285 last night when she got out of her car. Police said the accident happened around 10 p.m. on I-285 NB between South Cobb Drive and Atlanta Road.  There is no mention of why she left her…


Farewell to My Friend, Georgia Lawyer Ebb Oakley

Ellwood Oakley III 1945 – 2022 This past Sunday, after attending our regular Worship Service at Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church on the beautiful Emory University Campus, my husband and I journeyed to Buckhead to Peachtree Road United Methodist Church to send off our good, dear friend, Ellwood “Ebb” Oakley.…

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