
Atlanta Injury Lawyer Blog


Will Georgia Doctors Attempt to Force Georgia Citizens to Waive Their Rights under the Georgia Constitution?

It seems that in New Jersey, physicians are forcing their patients to give up their rights to sue the doctor in the event of malpractice before the doctor will even agree to see the patient. To read the full article, click here. Let’s hope this doesn’t make its way to…


Good Lawyers in Atlanta Georgia Discourage Illegal “Runner” Use

Many of us personal injury lawyers here in Atlanta, Georgia actively discourage the practice that some lawyers unethically engage in of using “runners,” or individuals whose job it is to place accident vicitms with an attorney. These unscroupulous lawyers hire individuals to “run” cases for them, i.e., to go out…


Georgia Supreme Court Rules Medical Authorization Requirement Unconstitutional

Put another one in the “win” column for the good guys. As Immediate Past President of Georgia Trial Lawyers Association (“GTLA”), I am proud to announce that GTLA’s Constitutional Challenge Committee, chaired by Lyle Warshauer and Matt Nasrallah, won another round in the ongoing effort to restore Georgian’s rights by…


Trucks Only Lanes Not a Bad Idea in Atlanta, Georgia

In my plaintiff’s personal injury practice, I have learned that tractor-trailers traveling through Atlanta can do a lot of damage in a motor vehicle accident, including catastrophic injury, such as paralysis, or death. Georgia trucking accidents would be reduced if the Georgia Legislature passed a law creating trucks only lanes.…


U.S. Hospitals Discriminate Against the Uninsured

I have had several occasions to observe personally that U.S. hospitals, including those right here in Fulton County, Georgia, charge uninsured patients more than insured patients, and, therefore, are discriminating against the uninsured every day. This has become obvious to me simply by comparing my case files in which my…

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