Here in Georgia, Progressive Insurance Company has admitted to spying on its own insureds in a confidential church group. Progressive Insurance Company hired two private eyes to spy on Progressive’s own insureds by infiltrating the couple’s private, confidential church group, lying about their identities and their motives, so that they…
Atlanta Injury Lawyer Blog
Georgia State Bar Takes Corporate America to Task
Thanks go out to Jay Cook, Immediate Past President of the State Bar of Georgia, for calling a spade a spade when it comes to the complete abdication of responsibility by Corporate America. President Cook’s op-ed piece in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution today tells the truth:American Corporations routinely put…
Teen Cellphone Use in Atlanta, Georgia Illegal?
Teen cellphone use while driving is not illegal yet in Georgia, or in Metropolitan Georgia, but it should be. Too many teens are getting killed or injured, or killing others, while using the cellphone while driving. As a trial lawyer here in Metropolitan Atlanta, I see it all too often,…
Georgians Should Be Made Aware of Lawnmower Dangers
Each year, 9,400 children are injured in lawn mower accidents, and 7 percent of those injuries involve amputations or torn nerves, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. One-fifth of childhood amputations are caused by lawn mowers. Recently, an Ila, Georgia child lost her left leg below the knee and…
Are Georgia Bridges Unsafe?
The recent horrible tragedy of the bridge collapse in Minneapolis, Minnesota raises the question, and rightly so, of whether Georgia bridges are unsafe, also. Unfortunately, the answer is probably “yes.” The Georgia Department of Transportation takes responsibility for inspecting roadway bridges throughout the state. It has a grading system of…
Georgia Children Are Dying From Defective SUV’s That Lack Back-up Cameras
The loss of a child saddens me and it is especially tough when the child’s death was preventable. In the last two weeks, children in two separate incidents were killed when they were run over by one of their parents who was driving an SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle). The first…
Cobb County, Georgia Verdict for $151,000.00 in Automobile Wreck Case
Friends, I have been out of the office for the last week or so trying a case in Cobb County Georgia State Court and successfully won my client a $151,000.00 verdict! I tried the case last week in front of the Honorable Judge Katherine Tanksley and she did an outstanding…
Toys Made in China Continue to Pose Threat, Even in Georgia
I am not at all surprised to see that the fallout from the discovery that many Chinese manufactured toys are hazardous to children’s health continues. I am sure many of these hazardous toys have made their way to Georgia and Atlanta. Every day now it seems as if we learn…
Pool Drains Unfortunately Still a Danger
I have just returned from a wonderful beach vacation over the Fourth of July Holiday, during which my two children swam every day in various swimming pools, and I am saddened and shocked to find out that another preventable swimming pool tragedy occurred during what was meant to be a…
Successful 2007 State Bar of Georgia Annual Meeting
I attended the 2007 State Bar of Georgia Annual Meeting in Ponte Vedra, Florida last week as a Member of the Board of Governors, Post 36 Atlanta, Georgia. I am happy to report good news for the elections to the Executive Committee of the Georgia State Bar, as the Board…