
Atlanta Injury Lawyer Blog


Progressive Insurance Admits to Violating the Privacy of Its Insureds in Georgia

Here in Georgia, Progressive Insurance Company has admitted to spying on its own insureds in a confidential church group. Progressive Insurance Company hired two private eyes to spy on Progressive’s own insureds by infiltrating the couple’s private, confidential church group, lying about their identities and their motives, so that they…


Georgia State Bar Takes Corporate America to Task

Thanks go out to Jay Cook, Immediate Past President of the State Bar of Georgia, for calling a spade a spade when it comes to the complete abdication of responsibility by Corporate America. President Cook’s op-ed piece in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution today tells the truth:American Corporations routinely put…


Are Georgia Bridges Unsafe?

The recent horrible tragedy of the bridge collapse in Minneapolis, Minnesota raises the question, and rightly so, of whether Georgia bridges are unsafe, also. Unfortunately, the answer is probably “yes.” The Georgia Department of Transportation takes responsibility for inspecting roadway bridges throughout the state. It has a grading system of…


Georgia Children Are Dying From Defective SUV’s That Lack Back-up Cameras

The loss of a child saddens me and it is especially tough when the child’s death was preventable. In the last two weeks, children in two separate incidents were killed when they were run over by one of their parents who was driving an SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle). The first…

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