
Atlanta Injury Lawyer Blog


Will Georgia’s Courts Follow Illinois’ Courts in Ruling Caps on Damages Unconstitutional?

We can only hope so. An Illinois Circuit Court yesterday held the cap on damages in Illinois to be unconstitutional. This took great courage by the Illinois Circuit Judge to call a spade a spade and she did just that, without regard for the inevitable political consequences her decision may…


Progressive Insurance Company’s Conduct is Reprehensible in Georgia

What could be scarier this Halloween? Tonight on Anderson Cooper 360° prepare to hear a chilling story of lies and deceit as the story of two everyday Americans are haunted by undercover agents in their own church. Progressive Insurance willingly accepted the premiums that Bill and Leandra Pitts paid them…


Do Georgia Hospitals Discriminate Against the Uninsured?

The answer is probably yes. Georgia hospitals, along with most other hospitals in the United States, most likely discriminate against the uninsured, or those patients insured through either Medicare or Medicaid. A new study regarding patients with appendicitis certainly seems to prove the theory. This study, appearing last month in…


First Bluffton, Ohio Bus Crash Lawsuit Filed in Atlanta, Georgia

I read in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution this weekend that the first lawsuit regarding the Bluffton, Ohio bus crash, that killed or injured the members of a Bluffton, Ohio baseball team, was filed in Atlanta, Georgia. The article may not have detailed all the counts alleged or all of…


Progressive Insurance Admits to Violating the Privacy of Its Insureds in Georgia

Here in Georgia, Progressive Insurance Company has admitted to spying on its own insureds in a confidential church group. Progressive Insurance Company hired two private eyes to spy on Progressive’s own insureds by infiltrating the couple’s private, confidential church group, lying about their identities and their motives, so that they…


Georgia State Bar Takes Corporate America to Task

Thanks go out to Jay Cook, Immediate Past President of the State Bar of Georgia, for calling a spade a spade when it comes to the complete abdication of responsibility by Corporate America. President Cook’s op-ed piece in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution today tells the truth:American Corporations routinely put…

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