
Atlanta Injury Lawyer Blog


Georgia Trial Lawyers Condemn the Solicitation of Victims of the Savannah Sugar Refinery Blast

I am proud to be a Past President of Georgia Trial Lawyers Association. It is made up of true trial lawyers who love representing the underdog against enormous odds. Our members are some of the finest lawyers in the State of Georgia and professionalism in all aspects of the practice…


Justice is Served: Oregon High Court Reaffirms $79.5M Jury Verdict in Philip Morris Case

Justice is Served…for the third time, no less. The Supreme Court of Oregon has reaffirmed a $79.5M jury verdict in a tobacco products safety case against Philip Morris. The award was for the family of Jesse Williams, a former Portland janitor who started smoking during a 1950s Army hitch and…


Wealthy Insurance Companies Rob Their Own Insureds

It is happening in almost every personal injury case these days, a wealthy health insurance carrier grabbing a personal injury plaintiff’s settlement money under a roose called “subrogation.” It is robbery and every Georgia Citizen and every American citizen should be outraged. I recently saw an article that highlighted this…


$36.5 Million Verdict Against Swift Trucking Company

An Arizona jury returned a plaintiff’s verdict yesterday of a whopping $36.5 Million against Swift Trucking Company for Swift Trucking’s driver’s negligence in causing a horrible crash that killed the father of eight children. $13.5 Million of the verdict was for punitive damages to punish Swift for not producing their…

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