That headline should come as no surprise to my readers here in Atlanta, Georgia. Georgians have a unique ability to know when they are getting ripped off, and it appears United Healthcare has been doing that to Georgians and Americans everywhere in the form of insurance fraud. The United States…
Atlanta Injury Lawyer Blog
Some Georgia Legislators Intent on Protecting Georgians’ Legal Rights in Georgia Civil Justice System
There was a wonderful and truthful article in today’s Fulton County Daily Report, the “legal organ” of Fulton County, Georgia, that I share with you below. Georgia citizens should know that many of us plaintiff’s personal injury trial lawyers continue to fight for your rights to access to the courts…
Georgians Deserve Better than What Governor Perdue Offers with FDA Immunity
I have written about the attempt going on RIGHT NOW at the Georgia Capitol by Governor Perdue and Senator Bill Cowsert and others who take up Governor Perdue’s mantra to eliminate Georgian’s rights to sue a Georgia pharmaceutical company if its drug harms a Georgian. Senate Bill 101, heard yesterday…
New Safety Requirements in Effect for Commercial Pools
A new law has gone into effect for commercial pools that requires these pools all to have drains with anti-entrapment devices. Without these devices, a swimmer, usually a small child, can become entrapped by the sheer force of the drain suction. Some children have even been eviscerated by the strong…
Justice Leah Sears, Chief Justice of the Georgia Supreme Court, an Inspiration to All Georgians
On February 4, 2009 Justice Leah Sears, the Chief Justice of the Georgia Supreme Court, gave her last State of the Judiciary address to the Georgia General Assembly. It is her last such address because she has announced she will be retiring from the bench in June of this year.…
Georgia Should Not Have a Victim’s Pay Law-It Is Unfair to Every Georgian
Governor Perdue is again trying to eliminate the rights of all Georgians to seek legal redress when they have been injured by another person’s negligence or carelessness. Please do your part to tell the Governor “No Thanks and No Way.” Enacting ‘Victim Pays’ would be like taking away David’s Slingshot…
Georgians Deserve Better Than Governor Perdue’s Proposed New Tort Reform That Will Make Georgians Less Safe
Warning to all Georgia Citizens: Governor Perdue is trying to do away with your constitutional rights and make you less safe! Please help us stop him by letting him and your Legislators know you do not want them to support this bill. Please contact Governor Perdue now and ask him…
Don’t Hold Your Breath for Governor Perdue to Fix Peanut Catastrophe
In the midst of what can only be described as one of the worst catastrophes to befall Georgia, the Peanut Corporation of America Salmonella Scandal, Governor Perdue today “promises” to do something about it. While wearing a tie with peanuts on it, (was that some apparent attempt at humor?) Governor…
Governor Perdue’s Proposed Immunity for Pharaceutical Companies an Insult to All Georgia Citizens
I continue to be dismayed at Governor Perdue’s apparent disdain for his constituents, the hard-working Everyday Georgians. His proposal to eliminate the right and ability of Georgia citizens to hold Georgia pharmaceutical companies responsible for injuries they cause here in Georgia is INSULTING and a slap in the face of…
Governor Perdue’s Proposed FDA Immunity A Slap in the Face of Georgians
As you know, Governor Sonny Perdue has proposed legislation that would grant any Georgia corporation that manufactures drugs complete immunity from any civil liability if that company’s drug harms a user as long as the FDA had approved it. This is a slap in the face of all Georgians and…