
Atlanta Injury Lawyer Blog


Tractor Trailer Companies Skirt the Law

A new study by the American Association for Justice shows that 28,000 motor carrier companies, operating more the 200,000 trucks on American roadways, have violated federal safety regulations. Literally hundreds of Georgia trucking companies were listed as having safety violations. That’s mind-boggling, isn’t it? And scary. There is no question…


Robin Frazer Clark Elected to Georgia State Bar Executive Committee

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Sarah I. Coole June 20, 2009 Director of Communications 404-527-8700; 800-334-6865 Robin Frazer Clark Elected to Executive Committee of State Bar of Georgia Atlanta – Robin Frazer Clark of Atlanta was elected to serve on the Executive Committee of the 40,000-member State Bar of Georgia on…


Where is Georgia Attorney General in the GM Bankruptcy?

One casualty (among many) of the bankruptcy reorganization of General Motors is personal injury claims against GM based on faulty design or manufacture of their vehicles. The Obama Administration was quick to throw injured plaintiffs under the bus by agreeing that all such pending personal injury claims would simply cease…


MARTA Train Operator Caught Texting While Driving Train

Have you seen this video? It is of a MARTA train operator texting on his cell phone while the train is running down the rail. The operator is texting on his cell phone while he is supposed to be driving a train carrying hundreds of Georgians just trying to…

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