Georgians who may be planning to rent a U-Haul truck should be aware of potential problems in the U-Haul truck fleet with maintenance of their trucks that may present a safety hazard for the driver of the truck or anyone around the truck. This safety issue came to light in…
Atlanta Injury Lawyer Blog
Calling All Georgians: Be An Organ Donor!
Organ donation is so important. Many Georgians are waiting right now for a life-saving organ. I encourage folks to sign donor permission forms and tell their relatives that if they are killed or die unexpectedly, they want any usable organs donated. You must be clear about your wishes regarding all…
Joshua’s Law Deserves Complete Funding
I am proud to represent Alan Brown in his quest for justice against the Georgia DOT for its failure to build and maintain a safe road. The Atlanta Journal and Constitution ran an article yesterday on the front page of the Metro Section about Joshua’s Law, which Alan Brown, Josh…
Thomas E. Magill: A True Friend
A week ago tonight one of my dear friends passed from this earth. Thomas E. Magill was my close friend and I am saddened at his death. Tom was a defense attorney, and so we were often adversaries with Tom defending many of the cases I filed on behalf of…
Should We Have “Designated Texters?”
Pulitzer Prize winning political cartoonist Mike Luckavich had the perfect cartoon about texting the other day. It is a group of friends at a bar and they decide to be responsible on the drive home, so one of them says “OK, so who is our designated texter?” Perfect! As you…
Will Georgia Legislature Outlaw Texting While Driving (TWD)?
I read yesterday that a group of United States Senators have filed a bill that would make it illegal on a Federal level to text while driving. These Senators are Senator Charles Schumer of New York, Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey, Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, and Senator Kay…
Georgia Supreme Court to Hear Caps on Medical Malpractice Damages Case
Tomorrow, the Supreme Court of Georgia, the highest appellate court in the State of Georgia, will hear oral arguments in what may prove to be one of the most significant cases to come before the Court in a hundred years. It is the case of Atlanta Oculoplastic Surgery v. Nestlehutt,…
Tractor Trailer Companies Skirt the Law
A new study by the American Association for Justice shows that 28,000 motor carrier companies, operating more the 200,000 trucks on American roadways, have violated federal safety regulations. Literally hundreds of Georgia trucking companies were listed as having safety violations. That’s mind-boggling, isn’t it? And scary. There is no question…
New PSA on the Hazards of Texting While Driving Powerful
I saw this new PSA on the hazards of texting while driving on The Today Show this morning. As a mother of a teenager about to get his driver’s permit, I intend to make him watch it. You can watch it, too, but, WARNING: it is extremely graphic. It graphically…
SUV Driver Kills Child Exiting MARTA Bus
My heart is heavy and sad this morning after hearing the news that the little six year old girl who was struck by an SUV driver as she was exiting a MARTA bus died yesterday due to internal injuries suffered in this horrible collision. The driver of the SUV has…