REMARKS OF PRESIDENT ROBIN FRAZER CLARK 14TH ANNUAL JUSTICE ROBERT BENHAM COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARDS STATE BAR OF GEORGIA FEBRUARY 26, 2013 It was with great pleasure and honor that I delivered remarks last night at the Fourteenth Annual Justice Robert Benham Community Service Awards. These awards honor Georgia Bar members…
Atlanta Injury Lawyer Blog
Reforming Georgia’s Juvenile Justice System
Here is my op/ed piece that is appearing tomorrow in the Savannah Morning News and the Columbus Ledger Enquirer. Clark: Reforming Georgia’s juvenile justice system: It’s time Posted: February 24, 2013 – 12:27am By ROBIN FRAZER CLARK Crossover day, the 30th-day deadline for legislation to pass either the House of…
State Bar of Georgia Honors Judge Carla Wong McMillian
Last night I had the great honor and distinct privilege, as President of the State Bar of Georgia, to recognize Judge Carla Wong McMillian, recently appointed by Governor Nathan Deal, as the first Asian Pacific American state appellate judge in the Southeast. This was an historic appointment by Governor Deal…
Georgia Needs Juvenile Justice Reform
Yesterday, as President of the State Bar of Georgia, I testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee in support of HB 242 which is a comprehensive Juvenile Justice Reform Act. It includes both Juvenile Criminal Justice reform and a rewrite of the Juvenile Code, which is Title 15 of…
Georgia Presumption that Physician Automatically Acted with “Due Care” is Unfair
I am in intense trial preparation this week for a medical malpractice trial I start on Tuesday in the DeKalb County State Court. As a plaintiff’s personal injury lawyer, I take just about any sort of case, including cases like the one I will try next week, against a physician…
Landlord’s Failure to Provide Smoke Detectors the Real Cause of Four Siblings’ Deaths
It was a tragic story of unspeakable loss when we learned of four siblings’ deaths in a Conyers, Georgia fire in a duplex on January 8, 2013. As a plaintiff’s personal injury lawyer, I so often help families deal with unexplainable loss and sorrow. We have since learned that the…
Georgia Highway Deaths Total 19 Over Thanksgiving Holiday
It is a rather morbid statistic that the Georgia State Patrol keeps but it is helpful to keep track of, and that is the number of deaths on Georgia Highways during a holiday. For the just completed Thanksgiving Holiday, that unfortunate number is 19. This is an increase in the…
Your Own Car Insurance Company is Not Your Friend
Most people don’t realize this, but your own car insurance company, the one you pay premiums to to protect you, is your adversary, not your friend. You must treat them like an adversary whenever you are involved in a car wreck, even when it is not your fault. If you…
Texting While Driving Is Still a Major Problem for Georgia Highways
Many of you know one of my favorite topics to opine upon as a plaintiff’s personal injury attorney in Atlanta, Georgia is distracted driving. I have seen too many families lose loved ones in car wrecks because of another driver’s ridiculous insistence on texting while driving. It is rampant in…
Women Trailblazers in the Legal Profession
REMARKS TO GAWL GEORGIA ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN LAWYERS, JUDICIAL LUNCHEON-OCTOBER 17, 2012- ROBIN FRAZER CLARK, PRESIDENT, STATE BAR OF GEORGIA Thank you, Susan, for that kind introduction and the very nice invitation of the GAWL to be with you here today. I see some dear friends in the audience today,…