As many of you know, I have tried a lot of cases over the last 25 years as a plaintiff’s personal injury trial lawyer here in Atlanta, Georgia. I also have appeared numerous times (37 at last count) in Georgia’s appellate courts and as a trial lawyer I handle my…
Atlanta Injury Lawyer Blog
$35 Million Dollar Verdict Returned in Cobb County
Following up on my blog from a few days ago regarding the Joshua Martin v. Six Flags trial, the jury returned a verdict last night in favor of Joshua for $35 Million. The jury apportioned 2% fault to each of the four gang members who plead guilty to some criminal…
Joshua Martin v. Six Flags: A Landowner’s Nondelegable Duty to Keep Its Property Safe
The case of Joshua Martin v. Six Flags Over Georgia is being tried this week in Cobb County State Court before the Honorable Kathryn Tanksley. You may recall the sad incident in which a gang beat Joshua severely to the point of putting him into a coma at Six Flags…
Waiting on a Jury
Well, I am writing from the witness room next to Courtroom 2F of the Fulton County State Court, Atlanta, Georgia. This has been my home-away-from-home for the last two weeks. I am waiting on a jury. This may be the most gut-wrenching time of a trial, although there are many.…
Jurors Should Walk a Mile in Your Client’s Shoes
As a plaintiff’s personal injury trial lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia, I have tried many personal injury cases on behalf of very deserving clients. My job is to persuade the jurors my client is deserving of money damages to compensate them for the injuries they have received that may be permanent,…
Swimming Pool Pumps Need Emergency Cutoff Switches
Recently, in Atlanta, Georgia, there has been a lot of media coverage of the near-drowning incident of Usher’s son in a private swimming pool. Apparently, the child’s arm became stuck in a drain at the bottom of the pool and he could not free himself. Audio contractors who were working…
Hit and Run Motorcyle Wreck in DeKalb County Creates Uninsured Motorist Claims
I was just reading about devastating wreck in DeKalb County caused by two racing motorcycles. The photographs from this wreck make it clear this was an horrific wreck. The victims are lucky to be alive. It is also unbelievable that one of the racing motorcyclists, who, apparently, slid up under…
Seizure Causes Fatal Car Wreck in Clayton County
On Saturday, a head on collision in Clayton County left one dead and another in critical condition in Atlanta Medical Center. Mookie Blaylock, former Atlanta Hawks All-Star, drove over the median into southbound lanes on Tara Boulevard in Jonesboro, GA and ran into a van head on, killing the passenger…
DeKalb County Bicycle Wreck Results in Death
Traveling on a bicycle can be extremely beneficial to ones health and environment, but can be exceptionally dangerous, particularly in a busy city filled with anxious, and often careless drivers such as Atlanta. Drivers are multitasking constantly, and with so many other tasks to complete, looking out for bikers and…
Your Uninsured Motorist Coverage Covers You When You Are a Pesdestrian and Hit by a Hit and Run Vehicle
As a plaintiff’s personal injury attorney who handles a wide variety of car wreck cases in Atlanta and the surrounding Metro area, I am sometimes, though not that often, asked to represent people in hit and run incidents. I say not that often because I don’t think many people know…