We have survived the Holidays and so it is appropriate we review car crash records to see how we Georgians did in 2018. Were we any safer? Have car collisions declined in any aspect? Each year, the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety publishes a report that lists all collision…
Atlanta Injury Lawyer Blog
Jurors Want to Know: Why Are We Here?
Jury duty is often the last thing people want to do. It interferes with their jobs, their family schedules and essentially everything people do on a daily basis. No one has jury duty scheduled on their calendar. So, it is often the case once citizens report for jury duty and…
In Memory of Justice Harris Hines, My Friend
It is with a broken heart that I write about the untimely death of Justice Harris Hines, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia. Below is a wonderful obituary by Katheryn Tucker of The Daily Report. Justice Harris Hines was a walking example of how we, as lawyers,…
Stonewall Bar Association Honors Judge Alex Manning
Last night I had the honor of introducing the recipient of the 2018 Stonewall Bar Association Conspicuous Service Award Winner, Judge Alex Manning. We had a wonderful evening with several hundred of my closest friends in the Fabulous Fox Egyptian Ballroom. Judge Manning gave an incredible, inspirational acceptance speech. I…
The Problem with Juror No. 7: When Can the Trial Judge Remove a Juror?
I have been following the talc trials against Johnson & Johnson regarding the claims that their powder product gives women ovarian cancer and lung cancer. I hope you have been, too. They are, obviously, very interesting. I can’t look at the Johnson & Johnson powder of bottle sitting on…
What is the Role of a Trial Judge?
What is the role of a trial judge? This question may often be debated among lawyers and between lawyers and judges themselves and maybe even by law students in school, but rarely is it a hot topic discussed in the public by non-lawyers. Until now. You may be following the…
Electric Scooters: The Newest Menace to Society
Transportation is constantly changing. The year 2002 brought us Segway Personal Transporters; 2009 gave us Uber (formerly “Ubercab”); 2010 brought bike-share companies to the U.S.; and 2017? Scooters. Yes, the same toys we used to ride around our neighborhoods as kids have now become electrified and are the newest, hippest…
Pedestrian Fatalities on the Rise in Georgia: Who’s at fault and who’s at risk?
Taking a stroll down the streets of Atlanta can be a healthy pastime or a means of getting in your social interactions for the week, but the cheapest form of transportation is quickly becoming one of the more dangerous. One unfortunate story in Smyrna, GA last week tells of a pedestrian…
Georgia’s Hands-free Distracted Driving Bill: What you need to know
In a series of blogs I wrote last summer on distracted driving, I laid out some of the problems with the advancing technology we have readily available to us at our fingertips. The use of social media apps like Snapchat and Instagram while driving has led to many fatal or…
My Car Was Totaled in a Wreck: Can I Get Rid of It?
The short answer is maybe. One of the first questions many of my clients have after they have been in a car wreck is whether they can accept the insurance company’s pay-off for their totaled car. Most people need the pay-off money to be able to buy substitute transportation…