
GTLA Welcomes New President, Chris Clark

GTLA Welcomes New President, Chris Clark of Macon, Georgia
GTLA wishes to thank out-going President Fred Orr for his wisdom and vision over the past year. With him at the helm, many things have been accomplished (including this new website). With Fred as the Immediate Past President, GTLA eagerly welcomes Chris Clark to his new role. Chris’ intelligence, leadership style and passion for the Civil Justice System will only serve to make this great organization stronger.

At the President’s Gala on Friday night, 250 members of GTLA watched as Fred Orr handed the reins over to Chris Clark– both of whom received a standing ovation. Congressman Bruce Braley of Iowa, a trial lawyer, a champion for justice in Washington DC and a Past President of his state’s TLA entertained and enlightened the crowd with his tales of courage in politics as the keynote speaker. The evening ended with incredible comaraderie found only at GTLA events.

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