
Articles Posted in The Legal Profession


Robin Frazer Clark, the Leader Within, and Bridge Building for the Next Generation of Women Lawyers

Last week, my boss–my mom–Robin Frazer Clark was invited to speak on a panel of highly esteemed women at the Georgia Association for Women Lawyers’ annual CLE entitled “The Leader Within.”  She was joined on the panel by Linda Klein, the first woman President of the State Bar of Georgia;…


Personal Injury Litigation is Not a Game

Like you, I am fed up with the constant lawyer advertising on TV. It has gotten completely out of hand. The worst TV ads for lawyers are the ones that portray personal injury litigation as a “game.” One such ad even has a person who is presumably someone who has…


The Future Looks Bright for New Lawyer Terass “Razz” Misher!

I received a wonderful email over the holidays from Terass “Razz” Misher letting me know he had graduated from law school. The subject line of the email simply read “I graduated.” I was thrilled to read his email and so happy for him and his lovely family. I first met…


Like Mother, Like Daughter: Nothing Better Than Having Your Daughter Join You In Your Law Practice

Like Mother, Like Daughter By Robin Frazer Clark “Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.” – Robert Browning Every lawyer who has a child often wonders  “Will she become a lawyer, too?” “Will he choose the law?”  During their formative years, you try not to push them in one particular…


My Client’s Presidential Pardon Achieved Seven Years Before President Biden’s Sweeping Pardons

  I was very happy to hear that President Biden has decided to right historical wrongs by pardoning any U.S. veterans who were convicted for being gay while serving in our U.S. Armed Forces.  It is well past time for our country to acknowledge this wrong and the damage it…


Georgia Tech Recognizes Justice Robert Benham with the Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage

  On Thursday, Feb. 8, Georgia Tech’s Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage will be presented to Retired Justice Robert Benham.  There is not a more worthy recipient. I have admired Justice Benham for my entire legal career, spanning 35 years now. I highly recommend you listen to an…


Means Restriction for Suicide Attempts Saves Lives

As many of you know, since 2012 when I became President of the State Bar of Georgia and after a dear friend of mine, who was a Past President of the State Bar, killed himself, I made suicide prevention for Georgia Lawyers one of my causes to which I devoted…


The Key to the Courthouse Door: The Critical Role of Contingency Fees in Our Civil Justice System

Often, when there has been a string of trial victories for the plaintiff, the defense bar overreacts and calls for a wholesale change in our Civil Justice System. This often includes a feigned outrage over plaintiff’s attorneys’ contingency fees, as if how a plaintiff’s attorney is paid for their success…


Georgia Supreme Court Rebukes Georgia Attorney General’s Office for Lack of Integrity, Honesty and Professionalism

In what can only be described as a jaw-dropping, scorching opinion, issued on December 20, 2023, the Georgia Supreme Court soundly rebuked the Georgia Attorney General’s Office for lack of integrity in negotiations with the Federal Defender Program regarding when the AG’s office would resume executions of death-sentenced inmates. In…


Mental Health Emergency? Considering Suicide? Call 988

Ever since I began the Georgia State Bar’s Suicide Prevention Program back in 2012 when I was President of the State Bar of Georgia, I have been advocating for the need for more mental health services provided during an emergency.  For longest time, all U.S. citizens have had available to…

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