
Articles Posted in Personal Injury


5 Things to Consider When Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

Having spent several days at home for the Holidays, I was struck (and not in a good way) about how many commercials there are on TV for personal injury lawyers. It is NON-stop. And the same goes for social media, where plaintiff’s lawyer after plaintiff’s lawyer is shown in a…


See You In Court

  Friends: I am happy to share with you that I have recently begun co-hosting a podcast called “See You In Court.” “See You In Court” is a podcast sponsored by the Georgia Civil Justice Foundation, on which I sit as a Board Member.  My co-host is Lester Tate, partner…


Should Your Child’s University Take Steps To Make Their Bunk Bed Safe?

Should your child’s university or college take steps to make sure his or her bunk bed is safe?  Either by lowering the upper bed or, if that cannot be done, by providing railings to keep the child from rolling out of the lofted bed?  This not a trick question. It…


Ignition Switch Design Can Lead to Carbon Monoxide Death

You may have heard of the recent death of a Milton high school teacher due to carbon monoxide poisoning while she was in her town home.  At least seven people in the connected town homes were injured, some seriously, by this carbon monoxide poisoning episode. It was so tragic and…


Bicyclists Who Are Hit By A “John Doe” May Still Recover

  I have noticed during this Coronavirus Pandemic that there are more bicyclists and walkers out on our streets than usual.  It seems everyone is trying to use the time they, otherwise, might be spending at their office, getting some much-needed exercise. Over the past two months, Over the past…


Hoverboards Headline a History of Defective Products Sold on Amazon

You may remember the hoverboard craze. About 5 years ago they took the United States by storm. With demand sky-high, multiple manufacturers ramped up production to cash in, they sold their products quickly, and no one asked questions. Shortly after their meteoric rise in popularity, hoverboards began earning headlines for…


The Harsh Reality of Sovereign Immunity of Georgia Counties

There have been some stories on the news lately about a student who was burned during a chemistry experiment performed during class. Back in August of last year, a teacher in a DeKalb County School performed a demonstration of lighting a dollar bill on fire using ethanol and water. She…


Not Surprisingly, Scooter Injuries Are On The Rise

  Does anyone else out there hate scooters?  For those folks still in denial about the risk/cost benefit analysis in riding scooters, you should know that scooter injuries  continue to climb.  A new report by the University of California San Francisco revealed Electric scooter-related injuries resulting in hospitalization more than…


“We Don’t Get Paid Unless You Get Paid” and Other Slogans Used by TV Advertisers

I have been recovering from hip replacement surgery (my second) these last two weeks and have watched a lot of daytime television while keeping my leg elevated and ice on my hip.  Although I have enjoyed the short sabbatical, I hate that it came only through the necessity of having…


DeKalb Jury Returns Verdict of $2.35 Million in Medical Malpractice Wrongful Death Trial

I am proud to report that after a three week, hard-fought trial in DeKalb County State Court, a jury returned a verdict in favor of my client for $2.35 Million in a medical malpractice wrongful death case. I will blog more about this shortly, but wanted to share with my…

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