Once again, in typical corporate fashion, the Ruby Tuesday restaurant in Lovejoy, Georgia, has denied any responsibility for its role in serving a customer a meal that, literally, killed him. The customer, who was allergic to crab meat, ordered Chicken Fresco, but, instead, was served Chicken Oscar, which has crab…
Articles Posted in Personal Injury
Dangerous Times for Georgia Citizens’ Rights at the Georgia Legislature
Today is Day 37 (out of 40) of the Georgia Legislature and it can be a dangerous time for Georgia citizens’ rights during these last four days. A prime example is what occurred last Friday when an amendment was attached to a bill at the last moment that would adversely…
Car Accident Victims Really Are In Pain
Finally, scientific proof that car accident victims aren’t crazy, they really are in pain. If only their doctors would listen to them and take them seriously when they say, even a full year after the car wreck, they are still in pain. A recent study published on Monday in the…
Georgia Landowners Should Remain Responsible for Their Premises
The Georgia General Assembly remains in session today, and with every day, some other Georgia citizen’s rights are limited or even eliminated by that body. The latest example is the attempt by the Georgia Senate to extinguish a landowner’s liabilty when that landowner operates, for profit, a business that could…
Health Insurance Carrier Caught Red-Handed
Congratulations to Patsy Bates of Los Angeles, California, who just was awarded a $9 Million arbitration award by an arbitration panel against HealthNet, her health insurance carrier, for it’s illegal cancellation of her coverage at the beginning of her treatment for breast cancer. The award came a day after the…
Georgia Trial Lawyers Condemn the Solicitation of Victims of the Savannah Sugar Refinery Blast
I am proud to be a Past President of Georgia Trial Lawyers Association. It is made up of true trial lawyers who love representing the underdog against enormous odds. Our members are some of the finest lawyers in the State of Georgia and professionalism in all aspects of the practice…
Georgia DOT Untrustworthy
Georgia citizens are being placed at risk by the Georgia Department of Transportation. Two Georgia DOT bridge inspectors have now admitted they lied when they certified 54 Georgia bridges as being safe. David Simmons, who worked in a team with Gerald Kelsey, admitted to filing reports for 54 bridges they…
Plenty of Blame to Go Around in Kentucky Comair Airplane Crash
You may recall the tragic Comair airplane crash in Lexington, Kentucky in 2006. The plane crashed after taking off from the wrong runway, killing 49 of the 50 people aboard. A federal judge Tuesday unexpectedly moved up by four months a trial to determine fault in the crash of Comair…
Wealthy Insurance Companies Rob Their Own Insureds
It is happening in almost every personal injury case these days, a wealthy health insurance carrier grabbing a personal injury plaintiff’s settlement money under a roose called “subrogation.” It is robbery and every Georgia Citizen and every American citizen should be outraged. I recently saw an article that highlighted this…
Warning for Georgians: Do Not Use Stand ‘n Seal Sold at Home Depot in Georgia
I want to issue a warning to Do-It-Yourselfers out there, who enjoy a Saturday trip to Home Depot here in Atlanta, Georgia to find the materials they need to fix up something at the their houses and take pride in having done the job themselves. Do not purchase or use…