
Articles Posted in Personal Injury


Giovanni Santos Gets New Kidney Through Paired Donor Program

Finds Compatible Donors Across The Country Read Comments (1)Recommend Print Article Email Article Larger Smaller Updated 1/12/2010 6:21:02 PM Marc Pickard Giovanni Santos was out of options. The nine year old Buford, Georgia boy had already received a kidney from his grandmother… which was now failing. And though his mother…


MARTA Train Operator Caught Texting While Driving Train

Have you seen this video? It is of a MARTA train operator texting on his cell phone while the train is running down the rail. The operator is texting on his cell phone while he is supposed to be driving a train carrying hundreds of Georgians just trying to…


Savannah Suger Refinery an Example of More Georgia Corporate Irresponsibility

Just like the Peanut Corporation of America in Blakely, Georgia, the Imperial Sugar Refinery in Savannah, Georgia knew of the dangers its plant exposed its employees and Georgia citizens to and did absolutely nothing. In an article today in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, it is obvious the sugar corporation…


Georgia Should Not Have a Victim’s Pay Law-It Is Unfair to Every Georgian

Governor Perdue is again trying to eliminate the rights of all Georgians to seek legal redress when they have been injured by another person’s negligence or carelessness. Please do your part to tell the Governor “No Thanks and No Way.” Enacting ‘Victim Pays’ would be like taking away David’s Slingshot…


$3.1 Million Verdict Against Target for Malicious Proscecution

A South Carolina jury recently returned a verdict for a woman who was wrongfully accused by Target of attempting to pay for an item of merchandise with an allegedly counterfeit $100 bill. Target violated its own procedures by sending out email with surveillance photos of the plaintiff attached. After suspecting…


Georgians Can Not Trust the DOT to Ensure Our Bridges Are Safe

We have just recently observed the one year anniversary of the tragic bridge collapse in Minneapolis, Minnesota that killed thirteen people on August 2, 2007. Our hearts and prayers remain with those families as they continue to heal from that horrible accident. The National Transportation and Safety Board (NTSB) ruled…

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