I have written before about my case against the Georgia Department of Transportation and the City of Atlanta about a defective median installed in the middle of the City of Atlanta’s busiest street, Peachtree Street, in the heart of Buckhead at the intersection of Peachtree Street and Piedmont Road. This intersection…
Articles Posted in Personal Injury
Do You Know What’s In Your Drain Opener?
I am working on a products liability case today that I have pending in Cobb County, Georgia in which my client was severely burned by a sulfuric acid drain opener (SADO). “Burn” may not be the accurate term…it is more like she had her skin dissolved by the sulfuric acid drain opener. She has…
“I Could Have Been Killed!” Do I Have a Case?
I have handled hundreds and hundreds of car wreck cases in Georgia. Very often I hear this common theme from prospective clients: “I Could Have Been Killed!” And it is often very true…they could have been killed, but thankfully, they weren’t. So do you have a case when you could…
Can I Sue the County?
Let’s say you have been injured in a car wreck because of negligent maintenance of a right of way owned by the County. Can you sue the County for your injuries? Of course, I have tried to teach my readers the short answer is always yes, you can sue…
If We Go To Trial, Who Will Decide My Case?
Today I read a funny article about a jury trial in Florida in which the jury sent the trial judge a note asking for a whiteboard and markers and a “big bottle of wine.” I thought that was pretty cute. Going to trial is a big decision. Although I have…
Is State Farm Really Like a Good Neighbor? Who Does My Insurance Agent Really Work For?
Do I have a case against my insurance agent? I feel like my insurance adjuster cared more for the insurance company than for me, her client. Who does my insurance agent really work for? Me or the insurance Company? Good question! No doubt many of us think our insurance agent,…
Do I Have a Case?
Do I have a case? I am asked this countless times…at church, over cocktails, in the gym…anywhere where someone who knows I am a trial lawyer who represents injured individuals finds me and grabs me to ask. Do I have a case? Four little words, but so very complex.…
Pedestrian Fatalities Down Nationwide but Not in Georgia
As a plaintiff’s personal injury trial lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia, I often check Georgia statistics regarding the number of car wrecks, bicyclists wrecks and pedestrian accidents, including fatalities. I noticed that Richmond County, Georgia has initiated a new program that targets jaywalking pedestrians or pedestrians caught not using crosswalks to…
What is the Value of the Life of a Teacher? Is is Worth a Major League Baseball Player’s Salary?
As a plaintiff’s personal injury trial lawyer in Georgia, I often represent the loved ones of someone who was killed in a car or tractor-trailer wreck. More and more of my trials in Georgia now involve the death of someone due to someone else’s negligence or carelessness (carelessness is simply…
Seatbelts Not Always the Answer
So often in personal injury lawsuits I have filed in Georgia involving injuries sustained during a car wreck, the defense attorney boasts that the plaintiff wasn’t wearing her seat belt, the jury will know it and, voila! Defense verdict! Not so fast!! Many times, even a seat belt won’t prevent…