
Articles Posted in Personal Injury


Robin Frazer Clark, the Leader Within, and Bridge Building for the Next Generation of Women Lawyers

Last week, my boss–my mom–Robin Frazer Clark was invited to speak on a panel of highly esteemed women at the Georgia Association for Women Lawyers’ annual CLE entitled “The Leader Within.”  She was joined on the panel by Linda Klein, the first woman President of the State Bar of Georgia;…


Personal Injury Litigation is Not a Game

Like you, I am fed up with the constant lawyer advertising on TV. It has gotten completely out of hand. The worst TV ads for lawyers are the ones that portray personal injury litigation as a “game.” One such ad even has a person who is presumably someone who has…


Solitary Confinement in Georgia Prisons is “Draconian”: Confinement in a Prison Shower is Immoral and Unconscionable

  Last week, Judge Marc Treadwell, United States District Court Judge for the Middle District of Georgia, held several officers of the Georgia Department of Corrections in contempt of court for failing to correct numerous violations of the Federal and Constitutional rights of Georgia inmates who are housed in solitary…


Georgia’s Attorney General Would Certainly Ban Abortion Medication Mifepristone

Today the United States Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments in Case No. 23-235 FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION V. ALLIANCE FOR HIPPOCRATIC MEDICINE,   a case in which certain physicians have sued the FDA alleging permitting the use of Mifepristone violates their rights. Much of the oral argument focuses on “standing,”…


Would Frozen Embryos Be Considered “Unborn Children” in Georgia? You Bet They Would

By now we have all heard of the Alabama Supreme Court decision holding that frozen embryos are “unborn children” under Alabama State Law. This was the holding in LePage v. Center for Reproductive Medicine, issued on February 16, 2024. Although much hay was made out of a concurring opinion that…


Drive Safer Sunday is November 26

Drive Safer Sunday is November 26 Senator Warnock (D-GA) and Senator Capito (R-WV) introduced and passed a bipartisan resolution to designate the Sunday after Thanksgiving as DRIVE SAFER SUNDAY.  The Sunday after Thanksgiving is one of the busiest travel days of the year, and it’s also one of the deadliest.…


World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims: November 19, 2023

A large part of my law practice is representing people who have been seriously injured in traffic or road collisions. This  includes not only drivers and passengers of vehicles, but also many pedestrians. The photographs above are just a small example of the carnage that occurs on Georgia roads every…


High Time for Georgia’s Antiquated, Outdated “Impact Rule” To Be Scrapped

A recent opinion by the The Georgia Court of Appeals, our Intermediate Appellate Court in Georgia, regarding Georgia’s obsolete “impact rule” certainly caused an impact, and not a good one.  In Holt v. Rickman, A23A0612, 2023 WL 3858619 (Ga. Ct. App. June 7, 2023) an apartment guest brought action against…


Cobb County District Attorney Makes the Right Call Not to Retry Ross Harris for Murder

I am happy to see that the Cobb County, Georgia District Attorney has now made the decision not to retry Ross Harris for the murder of his child when he left his child, Cooper, in a hot car. You may recall that the Georgia Supreme Court reversed the conviction in…


Virginia Appellate Opinion on Drug Overdose Amnesty Shockingly Defeats the Whole Point of the Law

I don’t often write about appellate opinions from appellate courts of states other than Georgia, but as I was reading some recent appellate opinions, the Virginia case of Morris v. Commonwealth of Virginia, No. 1194-21-2 (VA Ct. App. May 9, 2023) and not for good reasons.  Morris involves Virginia’s overdose…

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